What happened in junior high that made you have these feelings? Complete the chart.
Fillin the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets。
I can't <1> (believe) that today is the last day of junior high school. I still <2> ( remember) the first day of Grade 7 like it was yesterday. I used to <3> (be) a really shy person,so on the first day of junior high,I <4> ( be) so scared and nervous. I <5> (think) that I would never make any friends. But now,I <6> (realize) that I was just being silly. Since then, I <7> (make) somany good friends and I <8> (share) so many good memories with them. Even though I <9> (be) sad that junior high is over, I <10> (look) forward to new experiences m semor high!
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