Here are some things that Sally and Jim did yesterday. Match the activities with the pictures.
1. sang and played the guitar 唱歌并弹吉他
2. studied for a test 为考试而学习
3. had dinner with friends 和朋友一起吃晚餐
4. went to the library 去图书馆
5. flew a kite 放风筝
6. swam in a swimming pool 在游泳池里游泳
Do you think the activities in 1a are fun? Draw a happy face or an unhappy face under each picture.
Listen. What did Sally and Jim do last weekend?Complete the chart.
Sally 萨莉
did her homework 做作业
Make a conversation with a partner. Talk about what Sally and Jim did last weekend.
-Who went to the library? 谁去图书馆了?
-Sally did. 萨莉去了。
Make a conversation. Ask what your partner did last weekend.
-Did you do anythinginteresting last weekend?
-Not really,but I visited my sister.
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