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时间:2022-09-22 分类:学习方法 来源:书通网


课 题

9上 Unit 6 TV programmes Reading 2

课 型



教 具

Tape- recorder ppt







Communicative Approach

Situational Method

主 备 人

Zhang Xizhi






To understand the uses of the important phrases and sentences in the article;

To get some further information about the article


1.to get the Ss to try to retell the text according to the key words.

2.to discuss the language points they can’t understand



To train the Ss’ interest in learning English well.


1. To practice the main language points of the context

2. To guess meaning from context

3. To learn some useful expressions and use them in different context

教 学 活 动 内 容

活 动 组 织 过 程

改 笔

Step1 revision

1) Have a dictation.

1. a weekly round-up 2. up-to-date information 3. cover different sports 4. such as 5. be covered live 6. this coming Saturday 7. vote online for… 8. will be announced 9. send text messages to… 10. win two free concert tickets 11. murder in a country house 12. take a close look at the Asian tiger 13. face much danger 14. interview 15. presentation 16. director 17. dead 18. disappear 19. scene 20. attend

(2) Retell the passage one by one.

Step2 Step 2 Reading

Read the whole passage carefully, and then try to tell the students the TV guide with their own words.

Step 3 Practice

Which TV program is your favorite?

Can you choose to watch all your favorite TV programs?

There are four TV programs. Please recommend the most suitable Saturday TV programs to Millie and her friends according to their different demands

1. The best TV program for Millie is Murder in a Country House.

(By inference, Millie cannot watch Tiger Watch, which starts at 10.30p.m.)

2. The best TV program for Simon is Sports World.

(By inference, Simon cannot watch Beijing Music Awards, which ends at 10 p.m.)

3. The best TV program for Amy is Beijing Music Awards.

(By inference, Amy cannot watch Sports World, which is shown in the morning.)

4. The best TV program for Andy is Tiger Watch.

(By inference, Andy cannot watch Murder in a Country House, which ends at 9.30 p.m.)\

Step 4 Drills

Ask students to prepare a short passage, and then ask one of the students to recommend them a suitable TV programs.

Step 5 Reading and Explaining

1. director (n.) person in chare of a film, play, etc. who supervises and instructs the actors,

camera crew and other staff. e.g. john Woo is a famous Hong Kong film director.

2. live (adv.) broadcast directly from an actual performance without being edited. e.g. The charity show is being shown live on TV.

3. presentation (n.) ceremony where something is given or presented e.g. He received an award for his acting at the presentation in Shanghai.

4. round-up (n.) summary e.g. I like to watch the news round-up before I go to bed.

Step 6 Consolidation

Millie and Amy are talking about what they watched on TV last night. Complete their conversation using words from the box. Please note that some words will not be used in the dialogue.

Step5 Homework

Try to retell this article

(1) 当你看到Tiger Watch 这档节目时,你能领略印度风光。

You can see ____________ India while ____________ Tiger Watch.

(2) 你可能会发觉他有点紧张。

You may ____________ him ________________________.

(3) 他不介意坐在我旁边。

He doesn’t ________________________ next to ____________.

(4) 请密切关注大熊猫。

Please ________________________ the pandas.

(5) 今天的报纸有很多最新的信息。

____________ newspaper ________________________ information





Have a dictation.




Retell the passage one by one.









choose to watch all their favorite TV programs.















To learn and master the language points.













Finish off the exercises.





Check the homework and the preview.










Get the Ss to retell the four passages according to the key information given.







First retell in groups then in class.






Try to make some sentences with some main language points.




1. In out school library there_______a number of books on science, and in these years the number of them_______growing larger and larger.

A.are; is B.is; are C.have; are D.has; is

2. The rivers will become dirtier and dirtier________we take action to protect them.

A.since B.if C.until D.unless

3.When your teacher explains this problem to you, you’d better_______.

A.write down them B.write down it C.write them down D.write it down

4.Yesterday we had _______meeting in the meeting room.

A.a two-hours B.a two hours C.a two-hour D.a two-hour’s

5.When I looked into the room, I found Philip himself_______in bed.

A.lies B.lie C.lay D.lying


direct die feel happen interview

1.Do you mind_______ scared?

2.Please tell me what_______ to your eyes.

3.The cat wat found_______ under the tree.

4.Zhang Yimou is a famous_______ .

5.There’ll be lots of _______ with famous football players.


1.电视里有多种节目,如京剧,纪录片。(such as)

There are __________ programmes on TV, ____________ .

2. 学生们太忙,因此没有时间做自己喜欢的事。(far)

The students are ___________, so they ______________ their hobbies.

3. 上万歌迷已经在网上投票选出了他们最喜爱的超级女生。

______________ fans _____________ super women stars.


Is this ?


He found .



9上 Unit 6 TV programmes Reading 2

一、Have a dictation.

1. a weekly round-up 2. up-to-date information 3. cover different sports 4. such as 5. be covered live 6. this coming Saturday 7. vote online for… 8. will be announced 9. send text messages to… 10. win two free concert tickets 11. murder in a country house 12. take a close look at the Asian tiger 13. face much danger 14. interview 15. presentation 16. director 17. dead 18. disappear 19. scene 20. attend

二、Language points:

1. director (n.) person in chare of a film, play, etc. who supervises and instructs the actors,

camera crew and other staff. e.g. john Woo is a famous Hong Kong film director.

2. live (adv.) broadcast directly from an actual performance without being edited. e.g. The charity show is being shown live on TV.

3. presentation (n.) ceremony where something is given or presented e.g. He received an award for his acting at the presentation in Shanghai.

4. round-up (n.) summary e.g. I like to watch the news round-up before I go to bed.



教 后 反 思












