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ʱ¼ä:2022-10-17 ·ÖÀà:ѧϰ·½·¨ À´Ô´:ÊéͨÍø















Today, food travels thousands of miles from the farm to the consumer. Why is this? Is it a positive or negative trend?


Type: Reason & Opinion Ô­Òò+¹Ûµã (ÎҵĹ۵㣺generally positive)

Body 1: demand and improved logisticsBody 2: overall, positive trend as it allows the consumer more choice

We know this is part opinion essay because we have to talk about the “trend”, and give an answer to whether it is positive or negative. Deciding on whether a “trend” or “development” is positive or negative is subjective in nature, as it depends on the perspective of the opinion-maker, in this case, you. Generally, there are only two possible opinions that can be given. It is overall positive, or it is overall negative. This is NOT the type of essay where we will use “in equal measure”.

Also, recognize that this IS NOT the same as the “do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages” essay question type, and it is totally different from the “what are the advantages and disadvantages” essay.

Make sure you are clear on this point, otherwise you risk not satisfying the Task Response.

- Model Answer ¸ß·Ö·¶ÎÄ & ·¶ÎÄÀʶÁ -


These days, fresh produce, fruit, and meats are transported thousands of kilometers from the source to the end-user. This essay shall examine the reasons for this phenomenon, along with an explanation as to why I think this is, overall, a beneficial development.

One of the main reasons for why fresh foodstuffs can be, and are, transported from distant locations, is because logistical technology has been greatly improved. Not just the vehicles, such as trucks and rail freight, have evolved, but also the actual logistics for ensuring seamless transport. This factor allows for fresh foods to be moved continuously in their journey towards the final market, and this is made possible by communication technologies that allow farmers, buyers, freight forwarders, distributors and retailers to communicate seamlessly, and to monitor and track shipments. Thus, this ensures non-local fresh food products brought to market satisfy another major reason for this phenomenon of food traveling from afar, namely that of consumer demand.

Accordingly, it is the consumer, who it can be said, most benefits from this ability to transport farm products over long distances. With rising disposable incomes, consumers also have witnessed a widening preference for different foods that are not grown, or bred, locally, and with the concurrence of rapid transport development, allows for these taste and dietary demands to be met. where previously it would have been difficult to purchase exotic tropical fruits in a far northern city, today this is no longer the case. Not unexpectedly, the myriad entities involved in food growing and shipping also greatly benefit, and this goes towards increasing economic activity over a wide region. Conversely, local farmers may suffer some negative impact from such a situation, but overall, effects are mostly positive.

In conclusion, with higher standards of living, consumers drive the demand for greater varieties of food, and simultaneously, the logistics industry has developed sufficiently to satisfy this demand. In my opinion, I believe this to be a positive development as it benefits greatly the diets and preferences of consumers, and meanwhile, spreads the economic benefits throughout different regions of the world.

- Essay Analysis ·¶ÎĽâÎö -

- (1) Introduction

These days, fresh produce, fruit, and meats are transported thousands of kilometers from the source to the end-user. This essay shall examine the reasons for this phenomenon, along with an explanation as to why I think this is, overall, a beneficial development.

Paraphrasing from the Statement/Question ÌâÄ¿¸ÄÊö:

Today = these daysFood (from the farm) = fresh produce (meaning vegetables), fruit, and meats (the implication of these is from the farm)"foods" suggests “farms”Travels = transported(Thousands) of miles (meaning from far away) = thousands of kilometersto the consumer = to the end-user

Standard Phrase for the “Reason + Opinion” type essay “Ô­Òò+¹Ûµã”Àà´ó×÷Îĸ߷־äÐÍ£º

This essay shall examine the reasons for this phenomenon, along with an explanation as to why I think this is, overall, a beneficial development.

- (2) Body 1 -

Aspects that must be referred to Õâ¶ÎÐèÒªÌáµ½£º

Why is this? (food travels thousands of miles)

One of the main reasons for why fresh foodstuffs can be, and are, transported from distant locations, is because logistical technology has been greatly improved. Not just the vehicles, such as trucks and rail freight, have evolved, but also the actual logistics for ensuring seamless transport. This factor allows for fresh foods to be moved continuously in their journey towards the final market, and this is made possible by communication technologies that allow farmers, buyers, freight forwarders, distributors and retailers to communicate seamlessly, and to monitor and track shipments. Thus, this ensures non-local fresh food products brought to market satisfy another major reason for this phenomenon of food traveling from afar, namely that of consumer demand.

Standard IELTS essay phrase ÑÅ˼¸ßƵ¾äÐÍ£º

One of the main reasons for why…, is because

Vocabulary and Collocations ¸ß·ÖµØµÀ´Ê»ãºÍ¶ÌÓ

fresh foodstuffs ÐÂÏÊʳƷlogistical technology ¹©Ó¦Á´¼¼Êõ£»ÎïÁ÷¼¼Êõhas been greatly improved ¼«´óµÄÌáÉýtrucks and rail freight ¿¨³µºÍÌú·»õÔËhave evolved ·¢Õ¹ÁËthe actual _____ for ensuring (method used to introduce subject of next sentence)buyers, freight forwarders, distributors, and retailers (showing specific vocabulary) (Õ⼸¸ö´ÊչʾÁËÌض¨ÁìÓòµÄ´Ê»ãÁ¿) Âò·½£¬»õÔË·½£¬¾­ÏúÉÌ£¬ÁãÊÛÉÌmonitor and track shipments (logistics vocabulary “ÎïÁ÷”Ïà¹Ø´Ê»ã) ¼à²âºÍ×·×ÙÎïÁ÷satisfy (a demand) Âú×ã(ÐèÇó)from afar À´×ÔÔ¶·½consumer demand Ïû·ÑÕßÐèÇó

Words Showing Cohesion [Signposting words, conjunctions, relative pronouns] (C&C) չʾ“Á¬¹áÓëÏνӔµÄ´Ê»ãºÍ¶ÌÓ

can be, and are, (showing the ‘ability’ and also the ‘fact’ of something)Not just, such as, but alsoThis factor allows for, and this is made possible bythat allowThus, this ensuresanother major reason for this, namely that of (phrase to replace the previous object) (another major reason for this = consumer demand— = ‘satisfy consumer demand’)

- (3) Body 2 -

Aspects that must be referred to Õâ¶ÎÐèÒªÌáµ½£º

a positive or negative trend

Accordingly, it is the consumer, who it can be said, most benefits from this ability to transport farm products over long distances. With rising disposable incomes, consumers also have witnessed a widening preference for different foods that are not grown, or bred, locally, and with the concurrence of rapid transport development, allows for these taste and dietary demands to be met. where previously it would have been difficult to purchase exotic tropical fruits in a far northern city, today this is no longer the case. Not unexpectedly, the myriad entities involved in food growing and shipping also greatly benefit, and this goes towards increasing economic activity over a wide region. Conversely, local farmers may suffer some negative impact from such a situation, but overall, effects are mostly positive.

Standard IELTS essay phrase ÑÅ˼¸ßƵ¾äÐÍ£º

Accordingly (= ‘correspondingly’)

Vocabulary and Collocations ¸ß·ÖµØµÀ´Ê»ãºÍ¶ÌÓ

disposable incomes ¿ÉÖ§ÅäÊÕÈëhave witnessed a widening preference ÓµÓиü¹ãµÄÑ¡Ôñthe concurrence of rapid transport development Óë¿ìËÙ·¢Õ¹µÄÔËÊäÒ»Æðtaste and dietary demands ¿ÚζºÍÒûʳÐèÇóto be met Âú×ãexotic tropical fruits Òì¹úµÄÈÈ´øË®¹ûis no longer the case ²»ÊÇÄÇÑùÁËmyriad ´óÁ¿µÄentities »ú¹¹£»¶ÔÏó£»ÊµÌåfood growing and shipping ʳƷµÄÖÖÖ²ºÍÔËÊäincreasing economic activity ¾­¼Ã»î¶¯Ôö³¤may suffer some negative impact ¿ÉÄÜ»áÊܵ½Ïû¼«Ó°Ïìfrom such a situation ´ÓÕâÖÖÇé¿ö

Words Showing Cohesion [Signposting words, conjunctions, relative pronouns] (C&C) չʾ“Á¬¹áÓëÏνӔµÄ´Ê»ãºÍ¶ÌÓ

Accordingly,, whothis, or, locally,and with, allows for thesewhere previously it would have beenNot unexpectedly, ( = ‘of course’)Also, and this goes towardsConversely,from such a situation, but overall,mostly

- (4) Conclusion -

In conclusion, with higher standards of living, consumers drive the demand for greater varieties of food, and simultaneously, the logistics industry has developed sufficiently to satisfy this demand. In my opinion, I believe this to be a positive development as it benefits greatly the diets and preferences of consumers, and meanwhile, spreads the economic benefits throughout different regions of the world.

Standard IELTS essay phrase ÑÅ˼¸ßƵ¾äÐÍ£º

In conclusion,In my opinion, I believe this to be a positive development as it benefits…

Vocabulary and Collocations ¸ß·ÖµØµÀ´Ê»ãºÍ¶ÌÓ

standards of living Éú»îˮƽdrive the demand for Çý¶¯……µÄÐèÇógreater varieties of ¸ü¼Ó¶àÑù»¯simultaneously ͬʱthe logistics industry ÎïÁ÷ÐÐÒµhas developed sufficiently to ³ä·Ö·¢Õ¹

Words Showing Cohesion [Signposting words, conjunctions, relative pronouns] (C&C) չʾ“Á¬¹áÓëÏνӔµÄ´Ê»ãºÍ¶ÌÓ

, with, and simultaneously,this, and meanwhile,throughout



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