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投稿时间:2017-06-29 09:57:26 作者:肖文沁 分类:话题作文 来源:书通网 我要投稿

This is one exciting cultural place at Qianmen off the main tourist itinerary. It is named after the drama Teahouse by Chinese author, Lao She. Although an attempt to give a taste of a Beijing tea-house during Lao She’s time, it has instead transformed into a wonderful entertainment house with short shows by comedians, singers, musicians, acrobats and opera performers. In short, one can have a kaleidoscopic view of Beijing culture while sipping tea with light refreshment. Dinner before the show is provided separately in another section of the building and the price of the food is reasonable. An adjacent room display paintings, art objects like paper cuttings, figurines, antiques, kites and jade carvings. Lao She (1899-1966), real name Shu Qingchun, was of Manchurian descent and the famous author of the book called “Camel Xiangzi” also known in the US as “Rickshaw”.

It was a bestseller in the US where Lao She was a visiting professor. He also taught Chinese at the Oriental School of London University in his earlier days. His drama Teahouse displayed his linguistic talent of the Beijing dialect, depicting the customers with their bird cages and their pipes enjoying tea and gossip. Other famous works are Crescent Moon, City of Cats, The Yellow Storm and the Drum Singers. Unfortunately, despite his great love for China, he was hounded by the Gang of Four to suicide by drowning. He was posthumously rehabilitated in 1979 and his complete works were fully available. His wife, Hu Jieqing (1905-2001) a close friend of Prof. M.L. Pei, was an accomplished painter.

Lao She’s website is at www.laotao.org/lao/life.html The owner of the Lao She Teahouse, Yin Shengxi, is a student of the son of Qi Baishi, one of China’s best contemporary painters. Hence, one can see the busts of both Lao She and Qi Baishi at the entrance to the Teahouse. The website is www.laosheteahouse.com.

这是一个激动人心的文化在前门主要旅游行程。它是由中国作家命名的戏剧茶馆,老舍。虽然为了给北京的味道在老舍茶馆的时候,它反而变成了一个美妙的娱乐的房子,有短节目的喜剧演员,歌手,音乐人,杂技演员,歌剧演员。简而言之,一个人可以有一个万花筒的北京文化,喝着茶和点心。晚餐前显示的另一个部分分别提供建筑和食品的价格是合理的。隔壁房间显示画作,像剪纸艺术对象,雕像,古董、风筝和玉雕。老舍(1899 - 1966),真实姓名蜀,满洲人的后裔,著名作家的书叫做“骆驼祥子”在美国也被称为“黄包车”。

这是一个在美国畅销书,老舍是客座教授。他还在伦敦大学东方学院教中国在他的早期。戏剧茶馆显示他的语言天赋的北京方言,描绘客户提供他们的鸟笼子和管道享受茶和八卦。其他著名作品是新月,城市的猫,黄色风暴和鼓歌手。不幸的是,尽管他对中国伟大的爱,他被“四人帮”逼迫溺水自杀。他于1979年死后恢复,完成作品被完全可用。妻子,胡锦涛Jieqing(1905 - 2001)的一个好朋友马丁裴教授是一位有成就的画家。


