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译林版六年级下册英语Unit 4 Period 4课课练答案

时间:2017-04-13 来源:书通网

Unit 4 Period 4第A题答案

Unit 4 Period 4第B题答案


Unit 4 Period 4第C题答案

Can, can't
must, must
Must, must

Unit 4 Period 4第D题答案

1、can't/shouldn't/mustn't walk

2、in the library/on the metro/in a bookshop; we can't/shouldn't/mustn't eat or drink there

3、in the street/on the road; we can't/shouldn't/mustn't turn left

4、in the library/reading room; we can't/shouldn't/mustn't talk loudly there

Unit 4 Period 4第E题答案

five, thirty, play, football, sign, can't/mustn't/shouldn't, after

Unit 4 Period 4第F题答案
