Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in brackets.
Yesterdaywe (1)_______(go) for a walk in the park. When we (2) _______ (enjoy) ourwalk,it (3)_______(begin) to rain. So we (4) _______ (decide)to go home.
When we (5 )_______(run) to the bus stop,Alan (6)_______(fall) over. He (7) _______( be) badly hurt, so we (8)_______(call) 120. Whilewe (9)_______ (wait) ,we (10)_______(cover) him with some clothes to keep him warm. After about ten minutes, the doctors arrived and took him to hospital.
小编推荐: 人教版八年级上册英语Unit2 SectionB Self Check 3部分课文翻译人教版八年级上册英语Unit10 SectionB 2e部分课文翻译人教版八年级上册英语Unit6 SectionB 2c部分课文翻译
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