SectionB 2b部分答案
2、Erquan Yrngyue (Moon Reflected on Second Spring).
3、The music was strangely beautiful,but under the beauty he/she sensed a strong sadness and pain.
SectionB 2c部分答案
<2>but under the beauty I sensed a srrong sadnpss and pain.
<4>(His mother died when he was young. After his father died, Abing's life grew worse. ) He was very poor. Noi only that, he dcveloped a serious illness and bccame blind. For several years,he had no home. He lived on the streets and played music to make money.
<6>Today Abing's Erqtuzn Yingyue is a piece which all the great erhu masters play and praise. It has bccome one of China's national trcasures. Its sacl beauty not only paints a picture of Abing's own life but also makes people recall their deepest wounds from their own sad or painful experiences.
SectionB 2d部分答案
<1> sense <2>pain/wounds <3>wounds/pain <4>praise <5>pity