my parents are very strict.because i have so many family rules. for example,i can't go out with my friends at school nights.on weekends, i have to go home before nine's strict, but i think it's necessary. and i must finish my homework in time.i can't play computer games.i have to wash clothes by myself. i have to get up at six o'clock every morning.and i have to be in bed by ten o'clock.thanks to these rules.i can live health.but i think to be in bed by ten o'clock is unfair! students need nine hours sleep! and i think play some computer games is not badly. soi think the family rules can make some change.
我的父母非常严格.因为我拥有如此多的家庭规则。 举例来说,夜晚我不能去我的朋友在学校。在周末,我回家之前,9时有严格的,但我认为这是必要的。我必须完成我的功课的时间。我不能玩电脑游戏。我要自己洗衣服。我不得不起床六点钟每早晨.和我必须在床上的十点钟。由于这些规则.i能够生活健康.但是我认为要在床上的十点钟是不公平的!学生需要9个小时的睡眠!我觉得玩一些电脑游戏不严重。瑞认为,家庭规则可以作出一些改变。
there are many rules at my house. i have to get up at six o'clock and be home by 6:30pm.on weekdays. i have to do my homework after school.i can't watch tv and play computer games on school nights. i have to stay at home instead of my friends’ home on school nights . i should clean up my room every morning and we take turns to take out the trush and wash dishes. my parents don’t allow me to stay up until 11:00 pm because teenagers should sleep for 8~9 hours . i think the most strict rule is that my parents do not allow me to watch tv at night ,thought it is good for me .i can't do it .i think it is a good way to have a rest . although i don’t agree with some of the ruls, i know my parents love me so i always obey my family rules.
my parents are very strict.because i have so many family rules.
for example,i can't go out with my friends at school nights.on weekends, i have to go home before nine p.m. it's strict, but i think it's necessary.
and i must finish my homework in time. i can't play computer games. i have to wash clothes by myself.
i have to get up at six o'clock every morning.and i have to be in bed by ten o'clock.
thanks to these rules.i can live health.but i think to be in bed by ten o'clock is unfair! students need nine hours sleep!
and i think play some computer games is not badly. soi think the family rules can make some change.
my family rules my family has many rules like my school. but my family rules are different from my school rules, my school rules are for students, family rules are for family member. my family rules: first, after dinner, everyone take turns do the dishes; second, everyone take turns clean the rooms; third, everyone take turns take out the trush... this is my family rules.
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