the englishman love to behave gentlemanly and the englishwoman love to behave ladily.they also show their respect to ladies.they always say" lady first".in their daily life.the english pay attention to their appearance.they dress neatly.they shake hands when they meet other.when they are with others,they usually say "please""thank you""sorry" and so on.the breakfast in britain is very rich.usually there are all kinds of egg products,oatmeal,bacon,ham,sausages,butter,jam,bread,milk,juice,coffee and so on.they are popular with the western countries.what's more,the english like drinking tea.they have the habit of drink afternoon tea at about 3 in the afternoon.they enjoy drinking tea and treat it as a kind of seeing friends.
british advocate "gentleman" and "ladies style", and "ladies first." in daily life, the british note instruments, dress smartly, the british a gift is shaking hands. when dealing with people, pay attention to with honorifics "please", "thank you" and "sorry". english breakfast dish is very rich, there is a range eggs, cereal, bacon, ham, sausage, butter, jam, bread, milk, juice, coffee, etc., are generally welcomed by western countries. in addition, the british like drinking tea, there are around 3 in the afternoon tea habit, as a british people to enjoy a cup of tea, but also as a social.
the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland is the entire name of britain,its capital city is's same as japan,an island country.british symbol the daihon(大本钟) is as the mountain fuji of addition,a small part of british people speak british can also be said as a japanese spoken country.despite the decay after wⅡ,it didn't make britain discouraged.on the contrary,britain is deciding to learn from japan.
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