the hong kong government also supports cultural institutions such as the hong kong heritage museum, hong kong museum of art, the hong kong academy for performing arts and the hong kong philharmonic orchestra. furthermore, the government's leisure and cultural services department also subsidizes and sponsors the bringing of international performers to hong kong.
on the stroke of midnight, as july 1st, 1997 begins, the exciting moment is coming -- hong kong will return. now the whole nation is in jubilation. all my family sat in front of tv to watch the hong kong handover ceremony. seeing the chinese national flag rising and chinese president making a speech, i was deeply moved.
as is well known, hong kong was originally a part of china in history.after the opium war, the british imperialists stole it from the corrupt qing government and made it a colony of britain. but from now on hong kong will no longer be a colony but "a special administrative region" (sar) of the people's republic of china. its return owes to our powerful country.she is becoming politically and economically powerful day by day. i'm determined to study hard and make contributions to our country's development in the future.
welcome to hong kong!it's a beautiful city,there are many interesting places you can visit.
if you go to tsim sha tsui,you can get many colorful clothes and other interetsing goods,it's really the paradise for shopping.then you can taste all kinds of delicious food at causeway bay's.after shopping and eaing,go to visit ocean part is the best choice,i'm sure you will be appreciated with the cute animals.ok,let's begin this journey,wish you can enjoy it !
welcome to visit wonderful hong kong. hong kong has a lot of buildings and botanical gardern.hong kong somewhere near the sea. you can do lots of outdoor activities. it supposed to be very hot. you can swimming, you can go camping. we can provide you with a tent.
traveling around hong kong by subway can cost a lot of money, but it’s usually convenient to by bus to most places.
it has a big shopping center. you can buy lots of things. it’s fantastic! let’s go.
welcome to hong kong! i am your guide in hong kong and my name is wang ping. as we know, hongkong was once a british colony and on july 1,1997,it smoothly came back to china.
hongkong is in the south of china, and her neighbor is shenzhen. she is made up of 236 large and small islands. we can visit many resorts here, such as disneyland, the ocean park and the wong tai sin temple and so on. you are sure to have a good time.
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