in the picture, an old lady is sitting in front of a mirror. she is saying to herself in the mirror: "the children are not in my comopany. i feel rather lonely." the picture reveals one of the serious problems of our modern society.
with better living conditions and better medical care, people can live much longer than before. but how to take care of them has become a big problem, which we must cope with seriously.
it is reported that there are more than 160 million people aged over 60 in our country. the percentage of old people is still increasing and many families are confronted with problems coming along with old people. the fast tempo of modern life has left people little time and energy to look after their old parents. on the other hand, some people take their old parents as their burden and treat them badly. as a result, many old people feel neglected and live in great loneliness and helplessness, especially when they are suffering from poor health.
something should be urgently done to help these lonely old people. first of all, those who have old parents should take the responsibility to take good care of them. the government should set up more nursing houses for old people, especially for those who have no children and who are physically and mentally disabled. more importantly, there should be more organizations providing financial, medical and legal assistance for old people. in a word, special efforts should be made to help old people to spend their later years of their lives comfortably and merrily.
篇二:孤独老人(英文)given is a simple but thought-provoking cartoon: an aged grandma sits in front of mirror, looking at “herself” in the mirror and saying to herself, “i feel rather lonely when my son goes to work and my grandson studies in school.”
obviously, this cartoon can be naturally associated with the significance of children’s accompany for aged parents: if elderly people intend to enjoy happiness,it is advisable for their children to spend more time in parents. in contemporary society, it has become a trend for young people to be busy with their work and study. meanwhile, an increasing number of youngsters find it difficult to have spare time to accompany lonely parents. however, it is adult children’s accompany that enables aged parents to build up adequate hope, love and enthusiasm for life. as a matter of fact, young people in large numbers have not come to realize the loneliness of aged people.
as a youngster, i am convinced that it is of great necessity for us to accompany aged parents, no matter how busy we are. accordingly, we should educate, advocate and encourage our friends, classmates and acquaintances to love, respect and care all elderly people.
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