xiamen is a major city on the southeast coast of the people's republic of china.it is administered as a sub-provincial city of fujian province .
the local vernacular is amoy,a dialect of southern min,also called hokkien.amoy is widely used and understood across the southern region of fujian province as well as overseas.while it is widely spoken in and around xiamen,the amoy dialect has no official status,and the official language of all government business is mandarin.
xiamen and its surrounding countryside is known for its scenery and tree-lined beaches.gulangyu,also known as piano island,is a popular weekend getaway with views of the city and features many victorian-era style european edifices.xiamen's botanical garden is a nature lover's paradise.the buddhist nanputuo temple,dating back to the tang dynasty,is a national treasure.xiamen is also famous for its history as a frontline in the chinese civil war with taiwan over jinmen (also known as jinmen or quemoy) 50 years ago.one attraction for tourists is to view kinmen,a group of islands a few kilometres away and under taiwanese control,from xiamen island.
xiamen is located in southeast of fujian province,it is considered as the cleanest port city in china thus people call xiamen "the garden on the sea" or call it "green island". back to song dynasty it started its administrative founding until now.there are a great variety of sights to witness in xiamen.gulangyu island, the most beautiful island near xiamen, has won great reputation for its sunlight rock and shuzhuang garden.south putuo temple, which is located at the foot of wulaofeng and is deemed to be the most renowned buddhist temple in xiamen.xiamen botanical garden, known as the wanshi botanical garden,which has scenic spots such as the morning bell of heaven, the reading and music playing cave, the cloud locking stones, the jade scepter rock and the peace stone. in the past decade, xiamen has changed a lot with rapid advancing in agriculture,industry,science technology and education areas.
xiamen is an island city with a rich and dramatic history,replete with pirates,rebel leaders,and european merchants.now linked to mainland fujian by a causeway,xiamen retains a strong international flavor.known in the west as amoy,xiamen has a long history as a port city,and later became a center of british trade in the 19th century.their foreign settlements,later taken over by japanese invaders at the start of world war ii,were established on the nearby small gulangyu island.many of the old treaty-port and colonial buildings in western styles survive.xiamen was declared one of china’s first special economic zones in the early 1980’s,taking advantage of the city’s heritage as a trading center and the proximity to taiwan.today xiamen is one of china’s most attractive and best-maintained resort cities.xiamen was founded in 1394 at the beginning of the ming dynasty as a center of defense against coastal pirates.its prosperity was due to its deepwater sheltered harbor,that supplanted nearby quanzhou,the port that had been the center of the maritime trade with the indies.
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