i do not think deeply about the life the significance, my life instead crosses very much meaningful. even i do not need to know that anything is the life, so long as lived is sufficing. the significance when you seek for it, it only then exists, when your further seeks, it will vanish. perhaps, only then in we felt when the life does not have the significance, only will then go to seek for it. as for found or not, depended entirely on individual lucky chance, because that was not individual strength can decide. we are not are living depending on the significance, but when we are not is living depending on the significance, our person's status has received the question, will this will test us be a qualified person. if in a person life had never thought tracks down one kind of significance, has never tracked down one kind of significance, has never had outside the material spiritual pursue, then he will be a personality damage person.if a person is only wants to live, so long as he had the basic survival to suffice, do not be too many. if he wants to enjoy, that he wants the thing will be many, not very easy to achieve. but if he wants a significance, that so long as he chooses one from thought that the meaningful matter, relentless does, might. the significance is this kind of kind of thing, when you think it is meaningful, it is meaningful. some kind of significance not necessarily belongs to all, but only belongs believes it individual. some people said that only then the human will think deeply about the life the significance, but exactly said that only then the very few people will only then think deeply about the life the significance, most people only will be living certainly. did not know that what the life is, cannot affect their survival. but from says thoroughly understands the life significance the innate person, also has not seen their life to have anything different kind.
人生意义英语作文二:人生的意义we all come to the world, but why do some of us make great achievements known forever and why are they remembered forever even though they leave the world? and why do some leave the world without anything valuable to his generation and the people? every one of us will hope to have a significant and valuable life. but what kind of life is both significant and valuable? answers to the questions are ... "if you cherish your value of your own life, you will create something valuable for the world." johann goth said. "the life value should be judged from his contribution rather than his profession." einstein said. lei feng, a communist soldier, said, "one lives to make others a more beautiful life."
人生意义英语作文三:人生的意义what’s the purpose of life ? what are we seeking for in our short lives ? for privilege,for money ,or just for enjoyment ? it’s the problem that everyone wants to explore. as a matter of fact , everybody needs a proper purpose in order to struggle against life . a clear purpose not only guides us but also gives us hope and energy . when unknown challenges stop our steps toward the dream, our purpose will help us overcome the difficulties . because of purpose and our efforts , we become useful for the world . those who travel in life without direction sometimes turn confused and even lose their confidence . considering the benefits of living a life of purpose , we seem to should establish our purpose as soon as possible . but we need to be careful to choose the purpose that will be suitable enough for ourselves .in my opinion ,the purpose of life must include two necessary aspects——work and love . work is the basic purpose of our life . as a youngster,you are supposed to try your best to find the job which you love from the bottom of your heart. then you may dedicate yourself to it with all your enthusiasm. charles moyers explains these :“make sure the thing you’re living for is worth dying for . ”
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