the guangxi zhuang autonomous region capital,located at the guangxi north west,with socialist republic of vietnam adjoining to,is red bean's hometown,is also a historical glorious border region old city,has the deep culture to accumulate,ancient name nanning state.the nanning,the guangxi zhuang autonomous region capital,the modernized city which lives together in peace and harmony by zhuang national minority multi-ethnic 2003,nanning divided the administrative regionalization.
the whole city governs five cities and seven counties,respectively is the north end of town,the new town,xingning,yongxin,the south of yangzi river five cities,wu ming,yongning,heng county,the masan,binyang,long'an,shanglin seven counties,the total area 22626.95 square 2006,the city divides once more,abolishes the north end of town area,the yongxin area,yongning county,sets up the xi town pond area,the yongning area and celebrates the area good; expands xingning district,south of yangzi river area control area; the new city row named blue xiu area,and expands its control area.after the adjustment,the nanning urban district turned 6 cities
介绍南宁的英语作文二:南宁nanning, the capital of guangxi province, is located in southern guangxi, which yongjiang river runs. nanning has a history of over 1680 years and nanning was set as the capital city of guangxi in 1958.
as an important gateway to southeast asia, nanning is a hub, a regional center and an opening city that plays an active role in the communication between china and asian countries.
with the development of economy, nanning attaches great important to improving natural environment and it enjoys the reputation of “the green city of china” because of its green coverage in the country.
介绍南宁的英语作文三:南宁nanning, the capital of guangxi zhuang autonomous region, is the largest city of guangxi and the core city of beibu gulf economic zone, which locates in the southwest of guangxi and adjacents to the socialist republic of vietnam. there are 36 ethnic minority groups living in nanning including zhuang, miao, yao and so on. the total population of nanning is 6.6616million, of which the urban population is 344million. nanning is also known as green city because of its large forest coverage, beautiful scenery and comfortable living environment.
in addition to the superior geographical environment, nanning has gradually developed into an international metropolis. october 8,2003, in bali, indonesia, during the seventh asean and china (10+1) leader’s meeting. premier wen jiabao suggested organizing the china-asean expo in nanning since 2004 and this proposal was generally welcomed by leaders. since 2004, china-asean expo is held in november of each year in nanning, guangxi, which has brought great benefit to nanning even guangxi.
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