with the fast development of our society, life-long learning has become very important for everyone. this is because one needs lo acquire new knowledge continuously in order to meet the needs of his work.
there are several ways for one to learn life-long. one way is to take a part-time education program. that means, one is studying part time while he is working. the program could be at undergraduate level or graduate level. the second way is to study by yourself. you can learn whatever you need for your work on your own. you can learn from books, from tv programs or from radio.
i think that life-long learning is very necessary to us. we can choose either of the two ways mentioned above, it depends on your personal preference and interest. i prefer the first one because this kind of learning is systematic and formal. with the help of the teachers, it is easier to learn and quicker to get what you need for your work.
篇二:学习的重要性our society worships talent, and many people assume that possessing superior intelligence or ability—along with confidence in that ability—is a recipe for learning language very well.
the students who held a fixed mind-set, however, were concerned about looking smart with little regard for learning. they had negative views of effort, believing that having to work hard at something was a sign of low ability. they thought that a person with talent or intelligence did not need to work hard to do well. they have talent ,so they learn language faster and better .
in my opinion, a man who has talent for learning language can learn better and faster if he pay attention to the leatning for language.it can make a very importent role.it is important of learn.
篇三:学习的重要性currently, english is more and more widely used in our daily life. and in addition, english is regarded as one of the three essential skiils in the future(i.e.english, driving and computer skills).therefore, as far as i am concerned, learning english well is important for us students now.for myself, i prefer to learn english with interest.that is , i choose to listen to some popular english songs and watch some original english films to develop my interest in english at the beginning. and after that , i will be more interested in what teachers teach us. further, i will review the notes which is taken in class in order to remember the important points in class.ok, these are my ways to learn english.
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