i’m a middle school student in grade 8. yesterday was saturday and some of my classmates in primary school had a reunion at our primary teacher’s home. our teacher taught us for four years and she treated as her own children. we loved her very much.
in the afternoon, we just talked and shared our lives in middle school. happily, most of us have a rich and happy life. our teacher told us some interesting stories of her new students. after that, we made a big dinner together. our teacher is a brilliant cook who can make delicious foods. we all ate much. after dinner, we watched tv for a while and then we went home.
it was really a good day.
july 25, 20xx
dear li wei,
it's three years since we left no. 1 high school have you ever thought of seeing all of your old classmates again some day? here's a chance for you to meet them.
the reunion is on sunday, august 10, 20xx at 10 a. m. be sure to come on time and we'll stay for a whole day. bring something interesting to surprise everybody if you like. we're looking forward to seeing you!
the address is no. 115 taiping street. take bus no. 133 and get off at taiping street. you can't miss it.
please note: if you can't come, write to this address or call me up(tel: 541884)and leave a message. any good suggestion should be sent to us by next weekend.
wu xin
i and some of my classmates in primary school had a reunion in our english teacher miss wang's home on middle autumn day.
miss wang have taught us for 6 years,in our mind,she is our mother.all my best friend in primary school joined the meeting.li ming was fatter than before,wang hua was as black as usual,liu yan was a little taller ,and chen yuan was more beautiful than before.all of us are getting well with our new teachers and classmates.then we made a big dinner together. miss wang is a brilliant cook who can make delicious foods. we all ate much. after dinner, we watched tv for a while and then we went home.
what a great day!
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