the main content of american culture is the emphasize on individuals' value, the pursue of democracy and freedom, the promotion of deploitation(开拓, 经营) and competition and the need of realistic and practicality. its core is individualism: self first, personal need first, pursue of individual benefit and enjoyment, emphasize on achieving individual value by self-strive and self-design. this type of intentionally build up of personality and pursue customized individualism has its pros and cons, it gives incentives to people and make them exert on their potential and wisdom and as a result accelerate the development of the entire race and nation; on the other hand it is difficult to keep good relationship among people if everyone is egocentric thus make the entire society lack of unity.
american citizens emphasize on achievements and respect heroes. they have great sense in their hearts to praise succeand heroes. personal achievements are one of those with the highest value in americans mind. americans have very strong senses of success. succeis the pursuit of most americans, it is their attractive future and the incentives for moving forward. they believe that one's personal value is equivalent to his achievements in his career. some high achievers in their career such as entrepreneurs, scientists, artists and all kinds of super starts became modern heroes. the proceand result of how they strived have become the frame of reference of social culture value and the real life text book for parents to educate their children.
american society has great movements within itself. these movements are shown in two aspects: movements amongst locations and movements inside the society. the united states are relatively more open and have more freedom. developed transport and the tradition of adventure and sporty makes a lot of american migrate from countryside to cities, from downtown to uptown; and from north to the southern sunny land, from one city to another. unlike european countries, the social classes in america is not so stable. further more, with the advocation of public education, movements upwards along the social ladder have become possible. many people living in the states, no matter whether they are native american or immigrants from overseas, have the same dream of changing their social claand make their lifetime dream come true through their own efforts. this is what they often called "american dream".
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