tag:eros(cupid) eros was the god of love,better known by hislatin name cupid.son of aphrodite by ares ,he took his place among the small gods of olympus.he was represented asa little naked boy,with sparkling wings,and he carried his bowand arrows wherever he wandered.shooting his thrilling arrows in evils,he inspired the passion of love and provided all nature with life and power of reproduction.the lovely,naughty god had two kinds of arrows:the gold tipped arrows used to quicken the pulse of love and the lead tipped ones to palsy it. besides,he had a torch to light hearts with. though sometimes he was blindfolded ,no man nor god,zeus himself included,was safe from his evils.at one time the little naughty god was wounded by his own arrows and suchburning love was awakened in him for the human maiden psyche that he disregarded the constant interference of his mother and plucked up his courage to beg zeus for justice.another famousstory where eros played an important part was the argonautic expedition.medea,daughter of king aeetes,was wounded by eros arrows,took jasons part in recovering the golden fleece and eventually became the heros wife.
golden apple appears most early,in the jose and hera's wedding.the goddess of the sub from the west coast to a leafy tree to jose and hera as a wedding present,the tree node is full of golden apple.the night of the four daughters of zeus,called hesperides,the plant golden st..in addition to100dragon ladon to help them guard.
hercules hera claes in the world of the twelve pieces of merit eleventh pieces,is made of the hesperides and guarded by the golden dragon.hera claes in a mountain nymph under the guidance of the old god nereus,uniforms,ask them about where to find the golden apple.the golden path,hera claes also from the caucasus mountains released plo michel j.plo michel j instructs him to another titan atlas with the blue sky.hercules asked atlas would fetch the golden apple,during this period of time by themselves with the blue sky for him.atlas agreed,he killed the dragon,deceive the fairies,retrieve the golden apple,but not willing to bear the responsibility of carrying the day.hercules pretends to pad a cushion to continue with the blue sky,let the atlas for the moment he temporarily.atlas took the burden at the same time,hercules had picked up the apples.
long long ago,in the face of the earth there was a big drought:all the rivers and wells to dry up.vegetation jungle also are dry,many people and animal are thirsty to death.
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