my school day
i get up at six in the morning. then i wash my face and brush my teeth. after a quick breakfast, i go to school in my mother's car. it takes us more than half an hour to get there.
we have four hour classes in the morning. i have luch at my grandparents', because their home is nearer to my school.
after two classes in the afternoon, school is over. then we clean our classroom.
i get home at about half past five. we have dinner at seven. after dinner i do my homework. if i finish my homesork early, i can watch tv for half an hour. i go to bed at half past nine or ten.
lele's busy dayin the morning lele woke up and dressed quickly to get ready for school,she developed the good habbit of packing her bag the previous night, so that spares her time to eat breakfast and walk to school always the day began with aerobics in the playground, followed by the ceremony of raising the flag.after lunch it was music lesson, lele practiced the piano, preparing for the choir next week.then lele enjoyed some sketching in art class, the teacher was quite impressed by the sketching of lele’s mother.her father picked her up after school, carrying lele on his back, as they went home for dinner
i woke up at eight,feeling drowsy. i brushed my teeth, and i went downstairs. before going to school, i had breakfast - cookies and milk. i had to walk to school, and it was snowing outside. it was monday, and my first period was science. we had a quiz on periodic table of elements, i thought i did good. afterwards i had business, it was easy. finally, lunch was here. i ate a slice of pizza and i was no longer hungry. so then, i had english and french in the afternoon. i enjoyed learning french a lot, so it turned out to be not so boring after all. the bell rang and the school day was finished. i walked home. i finished my homework first, then i played piano for an hour. my mom was preparing dinner while i surfed on the internet. after dinner, i continued to surf on the internet as mom kept on writing her novel. it was 10 o'clock and i took a shower and brushed my teeth, i went to sleep. it was a tiring day!
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