do you interested in space?in order to help us learn more about china spaceflight, professor li bo from peking university will give us a report.he will talk about the developing of china's spaceflight.we can know how the spaceflight surface and the history from him.and we can learn abolut shenzhou spaceshipe and our hero's a very pretty opportunity for us to learn,so ,don't miss this chance.
the report will be held on thursday, the fifth of january . it will begin at 2:30 pm in.
dear teachers and schoolmates,
do you know the name has crossed the finish, behind you still desperate ran toward the end, running, and tight face, tightly clenched hands. failure, for you, perhaps is the most brutal punishment, the hope is shattered. how many efforts unacceptable, drain in a flash?
but you don't give up, you vigorous figure in the olympic spirit, determination of burning eyes of flame, perform duties of an athlete! in your efforts strive, we are proud of you, as you moved, you with your strong will finish your mission, we will work for you, you are wearing medals our hero!
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