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时间:2015-04-02 作者:童诗宇 分类:申请书 来源:书通网

 2.7 质量管理手册 (1份) □

 2.8 程序文件目录 □

 2.9 其他证明资料:

 法人证明复印件 □ 法定代表人授权委托书 □

 质检机构设置的批文复印件 □

 近四年已参加能力验证情况: 有□(若有请另附页说明) 无□

 希望评审时间: 年 月 日



 4.2 经对照《计量认证/审查认可(验收)评审准则》及相关规定,认为本质检机构的质量体系基本满足要求。

 4.3 保证所提交的申请内容均为真实信息。

 4.4 按规定交纳计量认证/审查认可(验收)所需费用。

 质检机构法定代表人签名: 日期:

 质检机构被授权人签名 : 日期:




1.1申请人名称/name of applicant:

1.2 付款人名称及地址/invoice address:

1.3申请人地址、邮编/address and post code of applicant:

1.4 联系人/person to be contacted:

1.5 电话/applicant’s telephone:

1.6 传真/fax:

1.7 电子邮件/e-mail:

2. 代理机构或中国办事处名称, 联系人姓名, 地址, 邮编, 电子邮件、电话及传真/name of agent or office in china, its contact person, address, post code, e-mail, tel. no. & fax no.:

3. 制造商/manufacturer where the equipment is produced:

3.1制造商名称/name of manufacturer:

3.2制造商地址/address of manufacturer:

3.3 联系人/person to be contacted:

3.4 电话/ manufacturer’s telephone:

3.5 传真/fax:

3.6 电子邮件/e-mail:

4. 制造厂/factory where the equipment is produced:

4.1制造厂名称/name of factory:

4.2制造厂地址、邮编/address and post code of factory:

4.3 联系人/person to be contacted:

4.4 电话/factory’s telephone: 4.5 传真/fax:

4.6 电子邮件/e-mail:

5.产品名称/name of the equipment:

6.产品商标/trade mark of the equipment:

7.型号和规格/model and specification:

8. 申请认证产品的gb标准号/number of the gb standard for the equipment to be certified:

8.1 安全标准/standard for safety:

8.2 emc标准/standard for emc(如有/if applicable):

9. 申请认证的产品是否有cb测试证书/has the applying equipment been awarded the cb test certificate:

/yes 否/no

如果有,给出cb测试证书的编号和获证日期/if “yes”, give the number and date of the cb test certificate:
