although this matter in the past for a long time, i still regret…
the reason why people would do all sorts of dreams, color, gray, sad, frightening, sweet dreams, because there is the spirit of a dream. many, many a dream world, this spirit, dedicated to people's dream world, but we can not see.
according to legend, the spirit is the dream of a sleeping baby, closed eyes, long eyelashes, wearing a gold silk robe, head wearing a gold silk hat, hat with three corners, each corner has a ball in the middle of the corner up, down both sides of cui, very special, this is useful to it, dream it is in this spirit that, like the same antennae hat tip to probe who was asleep, and into his dreams , only to the people's dream, the dream of the spirit will open your eyes and start working. and you certainly do not know, he was sleeping in a bowl in the legs and buttocks in the bowl, the body lying on the wanbian on sleep and sweet - is not like you bought taobao, placed in the qing-head doll that dream?
every night, the night began to fall, the dream of flexible start falling from the sky, the spirit of many a dream, which the air from the high, gently, gently going down, spiritual purity of the child, to hear them down sound, slightly italy italy - tighten the spring as the starting point when the voice began to return. blue night, the stars blinking quietly, quietly dream of the spirit into the sleep of people who dream, carefully describe their dreams.
a sad dad lost his job during the day, and unemployment, but at home there baby and baby's mother needs money to feed his family, he was not, and baby mama, afraid she was worried, so to pretend nothing teasing baby play, and eat dinner, shower, sleeping as usual on the chuang, but he was wondering how to do it? he intends for the future, look for what kind of a work? he does not sleep, dream the spirit of guarding the top of his bed, waiting for him to sleep well into his sleep. later, the father finally came too heavy sleep. gone with the wind spirit dreams quickly into his dreams … … the owner was too tired to dream, the dream of the spirit to take him to a place where you can relax, he cited the dream master came to a grass, the grass is green, dream the owner can even smell the smell of grass children, then, the sun shines down, floating down the dream master's body, stretched out his arm could not help but dream of the owner, raised his head, turn from the circle, he was thinking, so that the bright sunlight, baptism me well, so those who do not happy, do not go well are all away! with the power of the sun, what have i to fear ~ dream with a sweet smile, the owner wake up, wake up and clearly remember the dream of every ray of sunshine, he felt very happy doing such a wonderful and warm dream, he felt the spirit of times, that good luck is coming soon … … soon to eat his breakfast, take courage to go to work!
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