currently, there are a lot of solar electronic products, solar flashlight, solar toys, solar chargers and so on.
all products are divided into a built-in battery and no built-in battery types.
no built-in battery products are mainly required to work under the sun, such as solar summer hat fan, solar swing a small doll. these products mainly through the solar panels generate direct current drive motor or electromagnetic components. maximum absence point is affected by exposure to sunlight of a significant influence.but immediately stop working without the sun.
most of the solar products has built-in battery, and a lot of people hear this, immediately say that solar energy is a lie. we should do some description through the principles of basic solar power product. solar power mainly includes three parts:
solar photovoltaic panel(commonly known as solar cell panels), charge and discharge controller, storage batteries (can be repeated charge). solar panels to solar energy into direct current electricity, through the charge and discharge controller, stored in batteries, when necessary, through the battery discharge to give electrical power supply. if you need to be alternating current, you need to put the battery through the inverter the dc into ac.
solar flashlight, for example, if there is no built-in battery, you can only let it lighting in the sun light. should not be many people will make such a move. solar energy products, the main design concept is to drive product by unstable, a small current of electricity produced by solar panel stored in batteries. when needed to provide a stable electrical drive power. every second of current solar panels produced may be small. but long accumulated enough power to electrical power. because we are not a lot of electronic products 24 hours a day to work, we usually use the flashlight lighting time to time is not very long.
if the use of solar energy flashlight, put it on the windowsill usually empty charge under the sun completely meet our needs. 2-3 years do not replace the battery, both economical and environmentally friendly, why not?
motorola rokr e2
screen 240×320 pixel tft lcd
ringtone polyphonic
memory 11 mb
networks gsm 900/1800/1900, gprs
physical size 106 mm×49.5 mm×18 mm
weight 115 g
motorola rokr e2 is the successor to the motorola rokr e1, a cellphone aimed on music-playing, with a candy bar form factor. instead of itunes support in rokr e1, the phone is installed with realplayer, supporting a larger variaty of formats. it also features a music control panel on the left side of the phone. users can also listen to stereo fm radio with motorola rokr e2. by using iradio, fm radio programs can also be downloaded into the phone through internet, letting users listen to the radio at anytime.
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