one of the most popular hobbies among people is reading books. more and more people spend their spare time in reading the books they are interested in.
there are so many books in the world that it is impossible for any one to read all of them, even if he spends his whole life in reading. before we start reading, we should find out whether it is valuable for us to read.
reading good books is one of the greatest pleasures in life. it can enrich our knowledge. it makes us learn lots of things we did not previously know. we can be aware of what had happened in the past as well as what is happening in the present time. the more books we read, the more knowledge we get. no matter how much education we receive or how much expensive we have, we can not become a full man unless we keep reading.
reading bad books will lead you to a wrong way and prevents you from progressing. it’s worse than reading nothing. so we know how important it is to read good books.
book can be read at random time if you have leisure, and there never be a time limitation. also, you can read a book to achieve a more really history. through a book, you can communicate with its author without other’s transmission. all these rarely can be easily achieved by a television.
furthermore, book is a treasure that has developed centuries. as we know when written language appeared, human beings became use it to record their lives, and this action leaves us a lot of historic precious mineral. we can absorb intelligence and wisdom, and we can also be taught lessons. i love book from my heart, form book i know how to communicate with others, and i learn my homeland is the place i love best, and also i know my parents are the very individuals who i love through my life. what about the television? television, sometimes, show violence, sex, drugs beyond our choice.
love your mother
why are you crying, a young boy asked his mom?
"because i'm a woman," she told him.
"i don't understand," he said.
his mom just hugged him and said,
"and you never will, but that's o.k.".......
later the little boy asked his father,
"why does mom seem to cry for no reason?".
"all women cry for no reason," was all his dad could say......
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