3. 动词
describe the pictures with “only + adverbial” at the beginning of your sentence. next, lead into the second form of inversion— “negative words”.
(设计意图:学生合作,比较正常语序和倒装语序的三组句子,归纳出only引起倒装的三种情况,进而推论出部分倒装句的谓语部分的特点。然后,我选了本班学生的图片(王旭霞和史陈昌:她们两位同学上学期成绩进步很大,此话题贴近学生的生活),让学生用“only…can you…”的结构面对面去祝贺。通过虚拟情景的练习,学生能够“现学现卖”,掌握only引起的倒装句。 )
step 3: practice and summing up (2)
without hard work, wang xuxia couldn’t succeed.
without hard work, shi chenchang couldn’t succeed.
→without hard work, wang xuxia couldn’t succeed.
(key: shi chenchang couldn’t succeed, either.)
→without hard work, wang xuxia couldn’t succeed.
(key: neither/ nor could shi chenchang.)
(设计意图:继续运用王旭霞和史陈昌为话题,由“only…can you…”的结构顺利引入新知识—“否定词位于句首引起倒装”。同时,以旧引新,印象深刻。)
so + 助动词+主语(肯定句中) neither/ nor+助动词+主语(否定句中)
(1)my cousin is not 19. .
a. so am i. b. neither am i. c. neither is i.
(2)i haven’t been to new york. .
a. so haven’t we. b. nor have we.
(3)mary can speak english. .
a. so can we. b. so do we.
(4)bonnie enjoys classical music. .
a. so can i. b. so do we.
(5)lily went shopping yesterday. .
a. so went tony. b. so did tony.
well, in fact, wang xuxia and shi chenchang will not only work hard at present, but they will make a greater contribution in the future.
→not only (key: will wang xuxia and shi chenchang work hard at present), but they will make a greater contribution in the future.
(设计意图:再次回到王旭霞和史陈昌,道出他们的内心想法:今日多努力,明日多贡献。同时,通过观察法让学生主动去发现并列连词not only…but also…的倒装特点。)
not only…but also…并列两个句子时,(not only)分句部分倒装,(but also)分句不变。
→(not only)wang xuxia(but also) shi chenchang will work hard at present, and they will make a greater contribution in the future.
注意:not only…but also…并列(主语)时,句子顺序不变。
否定词位于句首,使用部分倒装。常见的否定词有: never, not, not only, little, seldom, hardly, in no time, by no means…
(设计意图:在拓展前,我展示了三位奥运冠军──郭晶晶、张怡宁和杨威的照片,并在他们的照片上打出他们的“口号” ──“i will never give up!”改写为“never will i give up!”运用演绎法,引导学生运用从“特殊”到“一般”概括理论。)
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