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时间:2015-02-09 作者:张广聪 分类:反思 来源:书通网


在高二(16)班,我采用了ppp教学法,就是:(presentation)展示语言材料,(practice)对语言进行实践,(production) 自由运用、产出。

step one: lead in and presentation;

lead into the topic—“inversion” by going over the text “my first work assignment”, especially by asking and answering some basic skills on how to become a professional journalist.

while reviewing the major information, present the inverse sentences on the screen.

“never will zhou yang forget his first assignment at the office of a popular english newspaper.”

“not only am i interested in photography, but i took an amateur course at university to update my skills.”

“only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know.”

“here comes my list of dos and don’ts.”

present the related sentences in normal order, ask students to compare and discover the differences. then conclude and lead into “inversion”.



first, work in pairs and do exercise2 and 3 on page29

second, now write down some sentences beginning with the adverbs below. make them into a story. then finish that story and write one of your own.

there, here, out, in, away, up

there came a loud series of knocks on the door. so i opened it. in the doorway stood a small boy and his father. in front of them was a broken bicycle lying on the ground. “here’s my son’s bike,” explained the man.





