today, i say the united states of racial discrimination. racial discrimination or colour issues, mainly in the united states and black-related issues, because they account for one-tenth of the total population of the united states.
in america, the racial discrimination is everywhere, the racial conflict often happen, the black people are treated as slaves bywhite people, they often have the lowest salary, insurance and many unfair treatment.
nowadays, the racial discrimination isn’t just between the white and the black, many other races in american are discriminated by the local people and they don’t have right to protect themselves
in 20xx ,a white people doug williams who hate the black people brought weapon to kill five black people then killed himself.
why american racial discrimination is so serious?
1. the mind of the racial discrimination exist in many white people’s minds. they always treat the black people as slaves or think them as criminals.
2. some of the black people in america become lazy and crazy, they don’t work and do harmful things to the society, such as robbing, stealing and killing people.
3. the government don’t pay more attention on the racial discrimination, sometimes they maybe deprive the black people’s rights to maintain the white people’s rights.
4. the conflict of history which the black people try to get fair treatment is too short, many person don’t realize their rights deprived.
5. a widening gap between rich and poor is a reason cause the racial discrimination.
6.the essence of the problem is that the competition between the race and other race, it likes the regional protectionism(地方保护主义).
how to eliminate racial discrimination
1. a great leader
2. a responsible government
3. a justice international organization
4. a high quality people and an equal mind
a great leader
dr. martin luther king, jr.was an american political activist, the most famous leader of the american civil rights movement, considered a peacemaker throughout the world for his promotion of nonviolence and equal treatment for different races, he received the nobel peace prize in 20xx. his most influential and well-known speech is the "i have a dream" speech
a responsible government
ensure black rights, especially employment, medical treatment, insurance and social welfare
to strengthen national equality and harmony of the propaganda and education, stop the spread of racism
a justice international organization
the united nations must take responsibility to control the racial discrimination, help to eliminate poverty in developing countries, narrow the gap between rich and poor, and strongly advocated ethnic equality, harmonious and the dialogue between differentcivilizations
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