the preparations and arrangements for museum visit.
first we plan to gather at school at eight o'clock,and walk there.
second you should bring your notebook and pencils with you.
third you should listen carefully and write down what you think is interesting when you are in the museum.
fourth no shouting and photos in the museum.
fifth you are to hand up a piece of visit report next week.
both sides of the door in the museum, were two mighty big dinosaurs, as if to welcome our arrival, into the museum, we first toured the aquarium. aquarium lights are shining dark blue, wavy line on the wall there is a road, as if we are deep guest. "look! sturgeon!" i do not know who shouted. i looked, and sure enough! sturgeon in the tank a long sleeping when the bottom tightly. down the corridor, we saw a ribbon-like electric eel like swimming in the water. "i've heard it can help people with electric shock was lost consciousness it!" my good friend liu bowen said. i nodded, "hey, what is the fish? really beautiful!" i said. liu bowen explains: "although it is very beautiful red and white pattern, can someone give it the name of security do not how to - clown fish!" "poor little thing!"
out of the aquarium, we came to the museum of entomology. "disgusting! look at the long centipede!" liu chang spit out his tongue. this insect museum insect specimens and television through the video to us in detail introduced insect world.
we walked down the floor, came to my long-awaited dinosaur world. the scene before and i imagine, there are many electric dinosaur roar of terror issue. "look! this is my favorite dragon sword!" i pointed to a green dinosaur that liu bowen was looking at the other tall, formidable dinosaur, said: "t. rex and more fun!" liu chang again we both pulled out of a winged, standing before the dinosaurs branches called: "look, look at the fishing master pterodactyl!"
out of the dinosaur world, we also visited a green home, cell house, one of the origin of such content-rich exhibition hall.
we are not happy afternoon in the teacher's request, we left it attracts the eye of the beijing museum of natural history.
today, we not only long experience, they know a lot of knowledge, which makes it a desire to learn more.
with society developing fast, more and more museums become free of visiting .
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