ever taken place in the history. with best wishes to the passengers!
signs of the missing malaysia airlines plane point to an oil slick in the gulf of thailand. the 12-mile-long streak of oil could be a clue as to what happened to the boeing 777-200 that was carrying 239 passengers early saturday morning. flight mh370 wound up lost after departing kuala lumpur for beijing.
new york times reports march 8 that malaysia’s prime minister, mr. najib, said 15 aircraft and nine ships were out searching for the jet.
it has not been confirmed that the mh370 flight lost crashed, but fuel tanks were limited in the distance it had. the possible malaysia airlines oil slick discovered, would benefit crash survivors if it landed in the gulf of thailand due to shallow waters in that area versus deep waters in the atlantic.
suspicions of foul play showed up when authorities learned that two foreign citizens who stole passports from asia were on flight mh370. one was an italian and another an austrian.the italian man is identified as luigi maraldi. an austrian spokesperson did not identify the austrian. an anonymous u.s. official want to make clear that this does not mean an act ofterrorism occurred.
“we are not ruling out anything,” said chief executive of malaysia airlines, ahmad jauhari yahya, saturday night.“as far as we are concerned right now, it’s just a report.”
according to the report from malaysia airlines, passengers on the plane included "two infants, and an all-malaysian crew of 12. the passengers included 154 citizens from china or taiwan, 38 malaysians, seven indonesians, six australians, five indians, four french and three americans, as well as two citizens each from canada, new zealand and ukraine and one each from austria, italy, the netherlands and russia."
malaysian authorities say they "remain puzzled" about the disappearance of a malaysia airlines flight, saying there has been no confirmation that debris has been found.
earlier today there were reports that possible debrisfrom the plane had been found in the sea off vietnam's south coast.
but today malaysia's chief investigator said vietnamese authorities had not confirmed sighting any wreckage, and said authorities "remained puzzled" about the disappearance.
we are looking at every possible aspect of what could have happened," said azharuddin abdul rahman.
"we have to find the aircraft; we are intensifying our efforts to locate the aircraft.
"we understand you want answers from us, you want details ... we are equally eager as you are to find details and parts of the aircraft.
"every hour, every second we are looking at every inch of the sea."
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