industrial pollution is the industrial production process of the formation of gas, waste water and solid emissions on the environment pollution. industrial pollution is mainly concentrated in a few industries. paper, chemical, steel, electricity, food, mining, textile and other seven sectors accounted for the total wastewater discharge 4 / 5. paper and food industry accounts for cod emissions of cod emissions 2 / 3, non-ferrous metallurgical industry, heavy metal emissions of heavy metals emissions account for nearly 1 / 2. industrial pollution is the industrial enterprises in the production process, including human biological survival and reproduction of the natural environment against. pollution is mainly from the production of the "three wastes" (waste water, waste gas, waste) and all kinds of noise caused can be divided into water pollution, air pollution, waste pollution, noise pollution.
industrial pollution hazard. first, a large number of industrial production in the discharge of untreated water, gas, slag and other hazardous waste, it will seriously damage the ecological balance of agriculture and natural resources on the development of agricultural production caused great harm; second, industrial "three wastes" of the industry production itself is also very serious hazards, toxic pollutants can corrode pipes, damaged equipment, affecting plant life, etc.; third, environmental pollution, rampant pollution, directly endangering the health of the masses; also some contamination is not easy to find, after the damage that has very serious
旅游污染英语作文 一:tourism pollution Responsible travel is very well expressed in t...
海洋污染英语作文 一:Reduce Sea Pollution Sea pollution is becoming an increasing pro...
大气污染英语作文 一:Air pollution Air pollution is one of the major problems of the ...
城市污染英语作文 一:Saving Our City It is very important to deal with the rubbish in...
白色污染英语作文 一:White Pollution white pollution refers to plastic pollution. it ...
环境污染四级英语作文 一:Environmental Pollution I read a piece of news recently. It sa...
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大气污染作文 一:空气的污染 所谓大气污染是指有害物质进入大气,对人类和生物造成危害的现象。如果对它不加以控制和防治,将严重的破坏生态系统和人类生存条...
城市污染作文 一:城市的污染 在那有着青青草原的羊村里,住着许多可爱、活泼的小羊们。 那里的草,绿得像翠玉一样;小溪,蓝得像蓝宝石一样;草原的每一棵大...
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关于河流污染的作文 一:被污染的河 今天上午,老师带我们到学校里面的一条小河边上去看那条河。来到桥上,我往下一看感到特别惊讶:怎么这么脏?河面上躺满了...
关于大气污染的作文 一:大气污染 所谓大气污染是指有害物质进入大气,对人类和生物造成危害的现象。如果对它不加以控制和防治,将严重的破坏生态系统和人类生...
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空气污染小学生作文 一:家乡的空气污染 我的家乡在千岛湖,这儿有一片片郁郁葱葱的森林,清澈见底的湖水,湛蓝深远的天空,清新甜润的空气。 可惜,家乡人一...
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篇一:我想颁个最佳污染奖 科技是人类进步的阶梯,现在的科技渐渐地发达起来,一座座工厂盖起来了,人们的生活质量也提高了。可渐渐地,人们发现,蓝蓝的天空变...
大气污染事例 一:四日事件 1955年以来,以石油联合企业为主的日本四日市工业迅速发展,每年排到大气中的粉尘和SO2总量达13万吨,使城市终年烟雾弥蔓...