the mid-autumn festival is one of the two most important holidays in the chinese calendar (the other being the chinese lunar new year), and is a legal holiday in several countries. farmers celebrate the end of the summer harvesting season on this date. traditionally, on this day, chinese family members and friends will gather to admire the bright mid-autumn harvest moon, and eat moon cakes and pomeloes together. it is also common to have barbecues outside under the moon, and to put pomelo rinds on one's head. brightly lit lanterns are often carried around by children. together with the celebration, there appear some special customs in different parts of the country, such as burning incense, planting mid-autumn trees, lighting lanterns on towers, and fire dragon dances. shops selling mooncakes, before the festival, often display pictures of chang'e, floating to the moon.
mooncake is often eaten during the festival.typical mooncakes are round or rectangular pastries, measuring about 10 cm in diameter and 4-5 cm thick. a thick pasty filling is surrounded by a relatively thin (2-3 mm) crust and may contain yolks from salted duck eggs. mooncakes are rich, heavy, and dense compared with most western cakes and pastries. they are usually eaten in small wedges accompanied by chinese tea.
篇一:我看中秋节 自古以来,每年的八月十五日,全家人聚在一起赏月谈月成了人们久谈不衰的话题。 但今年于往年不同。以前在西河晚上一家人在宽大的院子里婆娑...
篇一: 中秋节记事作文600字 八月十五日是万家欢腾的中秋佳节,我和爸妈、妹妹都回了公公的家里过节。公公的家里十分热闹,有表哥、表姐、表弟、表妹、大舅...
篇一: 难忘的中秋节作文200字 乒――乓,这是什么声音?哦,原来是人们在放花炮呢!每当听到这个声音,我就想起每年的中秋节。 中秋节,是我难忘的日子,...
篇一: 我爱中秋节作文600字 记忆中所有的中秋节都是快乐的。孩童时对灯笼的迷恋、青葱岁月的浪漫举动、以及现在为一家老少的奔忙,我都觉得非常美好。盼望...
篇一:快乐的中秋节 今天是中秋佳节,是中国传统的节日。在这一天,要全家团圆,吃月饼赏月。我们几个小朋友很兴奋,因为我们今晚要举办一个小小的中秋晚会。 ...
篇一:中秋节的来历 中秋节是我国的传统佳节在农历八月十五日,是我国仅次于春节的第二大传统节日。 八月十五恰在秋季的中间,所以称中秋节。根据史籍的记载,...
篇一:快乐的中秋节 今年9月12日是中秋节。可惜天公不作美,秋雨从昨天晚上就开始淅淅沥沥地下个不停。 这个中秋节,我决定为爸爸、妈妈做一道清炖鱼。我和...
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中秋节小学生作文 一:中秋节 妈妈说中秋节是我们传统的节日,也是一家人团聚的日子,姨妈要带两个小表弟从香港回来过节,我真高兴,可是我今天还要上学,真是...
中秋节的传说作文 一:西王母及月精嫦娥 羿上射九日、下除六害,尧和普天下的人民感激不已,颂扬他的歌谣在民间四处传唱,但是,羿的心头却沉甸甸的,自己毕竟...
家乡的中秋节作文550字 一:家乡的中秋节 一年一度的中秋节到了,也是我盼望已久的日子到了,今天是农历八月十五,是中国的传统节日之一。 这一天傍晚,我...
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