ladies and gentlemen:
welcome to ______!may i introduce my chinese colleagues to you this is mr ____ from (china international travel service). he will travel with you throughout the trip in china. this is mr ____,our driver. his bus number is ***. my name is ______. i am from cits.my job is to smooth your way,care for your welfare, try my best to answer your questions, and be your guide/interest during your stay in ______. if you have any special interest, please tell your tour leader and s/he will let us know. we`ll try our best to make your stay in ____ a pleasant one. we highly appreciate your understanding and co-operation.
篇二:英文导游欢迎词 good xxx, ladies and gentlemen.
welcome to china, welcome to shenzhen
please sit back and relax, your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus,so you do not have to worry about it.
let me introduce my team first. mr x is our driver,he has 20years of driving underhis belt, so we are in very safe hands. i always call my english name is xxx,my chinese name is xxxx,you may call me xxxx or mrxx, which is my family name. we are from shenzhen overseas international trave service,on behalf of xxxand my colleagues, i ’d like to extend a warm welcome to you all.
during your stay in our city, i will be you local guide, i will do everything possible to make your visit a pleasant experience.if you have any problems or requests,pls do not hesitate to let me know.
you are going to stay at the crown plaza hotel, a luxurious ,five star hotel, althouth the hotel is not exactly in downtown shenzhen, it is strategically located with easy access to many tourist attractions. as you will be staying in our city for two days, you will do well to remember the number of our bus and my phone no., the bus no. is xxx ,my phone no.isxxxx. let me repeat....
there is one thing i must warn you against, you must not drink an tap water in the hotel, because un boiled water might make you ill.
i do hope you will enjoy your time in our city.
emple of solitary joy is located at inside west city gate of ji county, tianjin city. it is known for its refined architecture skill in channel’s ancient buildings and has got the reputation of six best. these are: the earliest dingshan gate (gate of withstanding hill) of the ground hall preserved now; the earliest chiwei object on the hill gate preserved now; the earliest plane distribution which took pavilion as the center on the architecture plane; the biggest clay sculptured statue of eavara inside a pavilion in china; the avalokiteavara is also the most ancient high storeyed one; the more precious fact is that the temple of solitary joy has stood unscathed after thousand years of rain, snow, wind and frost and 28 big attacks, hence the most durable ancient monastery of thousand years.
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