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高中英语短对话 Really

时间:2011-07-30 分类:英语对话 来源:书通网

So, did you go to cooking school or something 那么,你有去烹饪学校上课或者其它什么的吗?


Yeah. I went to California to study.是的。我有去加利福利亚学习。


Really  How long did you stay there 真的吗?你在那里呆了多久?


I was there between ’88 and ’90.我88年到90年期间在那里。


And what did you do after that 那之后你去干什么了?


Then I came back here.然后我就回到这里。


I worked for about three years to get some experience.我工作了三年获得了一些经验。


Excuse me. Where is the Pacific Hotel?对不起,请问太平洋宾馆在哪儿?


Go down this street until you see the tall building.沿着这条路走,直到你看到那个高楼。


Does this road lead to the Agriculture Bank of China?这条马路到/通向中国农业银行吗?
