they say trim the bush strip 可他们说要修成条状
Can I ask you a question 你可以问你一个问题吗?
Sure, what do you want to know 当然,你想问什么问题?
I have my book from class here. How do you say this word 我把学校的课本带过来啦,这个单词怎么读?
Laptop "laptop"“笔记本电脑“
篇一:My birthday party Today is fools day and its also my birthday. My name i...
1、不夺桂冠誓不回,那怕销得人憔悴。 2、成功人生的三部曲:认识个性、突出个性、经营个性。 3、只有那些勇敢镇定的人,才能熬过黑暗,迎来光明。 4、人...